Sunday, October 21, 2012

NFS Configuration for shared archived location in RAC

Step-1: From all the nodes create a new folder to hold archive files.

$ mkdir archive1 (on HOST01)
$ mkdir archive2 (on HOST02)

Step-2: From Node1, set archiving destination for both the nodes.

SQL_ORCL1> alter system set                                    log_archive_dest_1='location=/home/oracle/archive1' scope=both sid='orcl1'                                                    

SQL_ORCL1> alter system set                                    log_archive_dest_1='location=/home/oracle/archive2' scope=both sid='orcl2'                                                    

Step-3: Verify whether your database is in archived log mode or not

SQL_ORCL1> archive log list
Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival                Enabled
Archive destination              /home/oracle/archive1
Oldest online log sequence      39
Next log sequence to archive   40
Current log sequence                40

Step-4: Perform logswitch 2-3 times from all the nodes to crate archived files.

SQL_ORCL1> alter system switch logfile;

Step-5: From node1, perform backup of any tablespace to simulate demo

RMAN> backup datafile 4;

Step-6: Perform logswitch 2-3 times from all the nodes to crate archived files.

SQL_ORCL1> alter system switch logfile;

Step-7: Make any tablespace offline and then checkpoint to simulate demo.

SQL_ORCL1> alter tablespace users offline immediate;

SQL_ORCL1> alter system checkpoint;                 

Step-8: Now try to make that tablespace online and see the error.

SQL_ORCL1> alter tablespace users online;                        
alter tablespace users online                                    
ERROR at line 1:                                                 
ORA-01113: file 4 needs media recovery                           
ORA-01110: data file 4: '+DATA/orcl/datafile/users.259.793144149'

Step-9: Now from rman, do restore and recovery of that tablespace, while recovery you will recieve an error because remote archives are not visible for node1.                                        

Step-9: Now to solve this problem configure NFS. Using NFS map node2 archive folder with node1.                                                                                                                                                   

1. From Node1, create the same folder to map with node2.

$ mkdir archive2

2. From node1, open /etc/exports file and put few entries.

# vim /etc/exports          


# service portmap restart   

# service nfs restart       

3. From node2, open /etc/exports file and put few entries.

# vim /etc/exports                      

/home/oracle/archive2 *(rw,sync)

# service portmap restart               

# service nfs restart                   

4. From Node1, mount archive folder of node2 on node1.

# mount host02:/home/oracle/archive2 /home/oracle/archive2

Step-10: Now go and do the recovery.

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